首页 >  clearvars  > clearvars


Open Live Script

Clear a list of variables used for intermediate calculations.

Create two variables in the workspace.

cashOnHand = 20;cost = 12.99;

Store a list of the names of all the variables currently in the workspace.

initialVars = who;

Specify or calculate additional variables, taxRate and tax.

taxRate = 0.0625;tax = round(100*cost*taxRate)/100;

Update the initial variables, cost and cashOnHand.

cost = cost + tax;cashOnHand = cashOnHand - cost;

Clear all variables except the initial variables, using the function form of clearvars. When using the function form of a syntax, enclose input character vectors in single quotes, and separate them with commas.


clearvars clears the variables, initialVars, taxRate, and tax.
